Thursday, June 10, 2010


I promise I am still alive. I had my tummy tuck surgery on Tuesday June 1st and so far so good! I went to the Dr. yesterday and thankfully I got the drains out (YAY!). Husband has been really amaznig.....really. He has changed bandages, dumped drains (yuck), adjusted my pillows a million times, cooked meals, cleaned, you name it he has done it. He told me yesterday he was expecting a really nice Father's Day gift (I better get on that). My mom has also been wonderful. Her church has VBS all this week and she has picked up and dropped off the girls each night. It has given husband and I some down time (well, mostly him since I spend the majority of my time laying down). I will be glad when things get back to normal for me. I can't lift anything for 6 weeks. I really miss holding the girls and little things like getting into bed by myself. But I know it will come soon enough. The sad thing is that by the time I heal, the oil will probably have hit our beaches (its already beginning to come on shore). It really is depressng when you see our beautiful beaches and then when you see that nasty oil quickly approaching. Unfortunately, we have cancelled our beach house that we get with husband's family. We are now looking at an alternative vacation plans but really, what can top a week at the world's most beautiful beach?!?!? So, it looks like we will be spending our summer poolside this year. I know I have been terrible at blogging. Seriously, I am trying to get better :)

1 comment:

The Mrs. said...

Had the same thing! Kills you but so worth it!!