I am so sorry that I am almost 2 weeks late writing this to you. You had a wonderful 4th birthday party! 4 years old already?!?! It just doesn't seem possible!
Some of my favorite qualities about you are:
*Your love of singing! Although, you tend to only perform for your immediate family.
*Your sharing heart. Out of all 3 girls you are the first to share with others.
*Your imagination. I love that you make up names for total strangers. If you don't know the name of something you will just make one up (which is very entertaining).
*You play so well by yourself. When you go missing at home, it never fails you are in a closet or corner playing with baby dolls.
*You actually enjoying cleaning; not putting things away, but actually cleaning. You will rub every spot or stain out of the carpet.
*You still want me to hold you when you get hurt or are sad.
*Your love of reading! Madeline is your absolute favorite book right now. Grandmama gave you a Madeline doll for your birthday that says 4 French/English phrases for your birthday. You have slept with her every night since.
*You love to go places.......anywhere as long as you get to go!
*Your daintiness. You may be my tiny little girl but what you lack in size you make up in personality!
You are a very special girl and you continually keep us laughing. I love you more than words could ever express!
Here are a few pictures from The May's girly princess party. *Jude did stop by to tell her happy birthday.
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