Gymnastics started back today after a two week break. Since Husband is home for the summer we decided to take The May to gym with The Belle. This way Husband can “man-handle” one while I have the other. On the way to gym The Belle told The May that she was going to teach her everything at gym. I have to admit I was a little nervous because The May has a tendency to get into her own world and not stay on track. But, she proved me wrong. She LOVED it! She followed all the directions and did great. It was definitely a good idea for Husband to go along because it would have been crazy trying to get both girls to actively participate. The cutest thing was that The May learned to jump. All day she has been saying “watch me Mommy” and she’ll do her best at jumping. We were all asleep by 12:30 this afternoon.
Husband went to church tonight while I stayed home to feed, bathe, and put the girls to bed. As he was leaving I decided we would walk to the mailbox. Our mailbox is a little hike down the driveway. It takes about 12 minutes to get there and back. The driveway is in the middle of a field so it is safe for both girls to run. The Belle decided she would push one of the outside play cars and The May decided she would ride in the big red push car. So off we are. My big belly pushing The May and The Belle running as fast as she can to the mailbox. So, we get to the mailbox and The Belle decides she needs to ride in the red car and The May agreed to push the little car. So off we are again until… I turn around and The May is 150 feet behind me playing with rocks. She left the car a good 50 feet behind her. I leave The Belle parked and go get the car and then try to persuade The May to tell the rocks “night, night”. Now I am carrying the little car and pushing the 3 year old in the big car. The May is still playing with the rocks. Well, I pull out a parenting technique that always worked with The Belle when she was this age. I would tell her “bye bye Belle” and she would come running and screaming as fast as she could. So, I say to The May as she is throwing rocks “bye bye May” and she says “bye bye Mommy I wuv ooh”. So, up the hill I go again to go get her. After going through this several times we finally made it back home. I was exhausted so you know what we had for dinner? Popsicles, granola bars, and cookies. Now, that is fine parenting.