Well, today it happened (again)....I ate those words. We took our children to a place where I said I would NEVER take them. We took them to the (I still can't believe I did this) fair. Now some of you are probably saying "what is the big deal?".
You see, the fair here isn't like the fair you read about in Charlotte's Web. There are no bobbing for apples, sack races, or pie eating contests.
I am pretty sure the people who work at the fair have been released from their cell and transported by an officer to operate all the rides. I know that sounds super judgmental but seriously these people are scary. And not to mention the cost is outrageous.
Thankfully, we went on ladies night (can you believe it.....I took my children somewhere that has LADIES NIGHT!!) so husband was the only one who had to pay the $10 admission price.
The one and only reason we took the girls is because as soon as The Belle got in the van from school one day last week she announced "Momma there is this girl in my class that said the fair is coming to our town and will only be here for 10 days. She told me all about it. I asked her if there would be a ferris wheel there and she said YES. Momma I have never even seen a ferris wheel in my entire life".
So, then I began to justify in my mind why we should take them (I knew I would have to convince her daddy). I thought "we are reading Charlotte's Web and the girl is 6 years old and has never seen a ferris wheel and really the fair can't be that bad especially if we go in the daylight". Then when I found out there was a ladies night where we could get in free I had made up my mind that we would go but; we would be there as soon as the doors opened (at 4:00), we would only ride the ferris wheel, see the livestock, and leave before the sun went down.
Here is the big kicker to the fair; every ride takes a certain amount of tickets. You can purchase a wrist band (and ride all the rides) for $20 a person (which would have cost us $100..those are Disney World prices people!!) or purchase tickets separately. 1 ticket is $1.25 the ferris wheel takes 5 tickets.
So, let's do the math. 5 people times 5 tickets = 25 tickets at $1.25= $31.25 to ride a ferris wheel!! So, we decided that I would ride with the girls and husband would stay behind. Because seriously that is more than our water bill.
As we approached the ride I began to pray that we would make it off the thing safely because let's be honest it was probably put together in a matter of 2 hours. The girls loved the ride and really wanted to ride more but I really wanted to be able to grocery shop this week.
We did get to see some chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, pigs, bunnies, and cows. The girls must have said "oh my word" a million times when they were looking at all the animals. We also went into the art exhibit and saw some very good art work done by local children.
As we were pulling out of the parking lot (which cost $5 to park in) The Belle said "I really like Disney World better because people don't smoke there". The May chimes in and says "yea and you get to ride ALL the rides there". I have to admit; I agree!!
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