Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Bucking Bronco

I can't believe it has been a week since I last posted. The days are so busy that I haven't had a chance to post. There isn't really anything new going on right now. The Belle had an ear Dr. appt. last Friday. She has to have a checkup for her tubes. Her right tube is out but we are not sure about her left. There is dried up blood covering her ear drum and the Dr. can't see in there. So, we have been giving her ear drops for the past couple of weeks. We have to go back next Wed. The HORRIBLE thing about it is that The Belle is terrified of the Dr. I can't even describe in words how stressful it is for me and her when we go. There is lots of screaming, crying, shaking all over, and bucking like a bronco...all from her of course (although I too have left in tears). We actually gave her some zanax the last time we went and it had absolutley no effect during the visit. I have to take The Lynn to the pediatrician next week and I am going to see if there is anything else we can do for The Belle. I suggested to the ear Dr. that we give her some anesthesia. He laughed...I didn't. Other than that we are keeping busy. Now that the weather is warm we have been going outside every afternoon before lunch. The girls act as if they are escaped animals when we go out. I can't wait for Summer so they can play outside all day.

1 comment:

MommyJenn said...

The Belle is such an awesome little girl that I hate to think of her having such a rotten time. I do have a funny story from the Mommy perspective though. The first time I took Rosy to the eye doctor, her bio mom was picking III up from school and going to meet us. She got off the elevator just as we were pinning down a shrieking Rosy for the 2nd set of eye drops. She came running down the hall, "That's my child. Where is she?" So, at least, when The Belle is screaming bloody murder, you don't have another mom running down the hall.