Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I Heart My Pediatrician

I took The Lynn for her 2 month check up. All is well. She weighs 10lbs 10 ozs. While we were there I asked the pediatrician if there was anything else we could do for The Belle when she goes to her ear Dr. We had an appt. for today at 3:45. After explaining to her that The Belle becomes a bucking bronco when the Dr. walks in the door, she said "cancel your appt. and don't go back"! She wants us to give her a few weeks and bring her in to the office and let them look at her ears. If they feel that she needs to see a specialist at that point they will refer us to one who has the capability of giving The Belle gas in the office. She made a very good point: patients get gas when they go to the dentist why can't they at the ear Dr. This is such a HUGE relief to me! When I told The Belle that she didn't have to ever go back to the ear Dr. she got the biggest grin on her face.

Thanks to Carla for keeping The Belle and The May while I took The Lynn to the Dr.!

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