Thursday, February 26, 2009

Road Bump

Most of you know I taught 2nd grade before becoming a Mommy. 2nd grade was fun. Most of the kids could read, write complete sentences, and add double digits. And those that couldn't made great leaps by the end of the year. I enjoyed teaching and I think I did a fairly well job at it. With that said...I NEED someone to come and teach The May her ABC's. She knows A, B, C, sometimes D, and W. We bought her an ABC puzzle for Valentine's Day. She really enjoys helping put it together, but when it comes to identifying the letters she has no interest. Keep in mind this is my child who was speaking in complete sentences before she was 1. I thought she was going to be the brainiac. Boy have we hit a road bump. The Belle has even joined in on teaching her. It is so cute to hear The Belle "be the teacher". The Belle knew all of her letters at 18 months and knew most of their sounds by the time she was 2. Here is the difference The Belle wanted to learn and still does. The May well, she just wants to eat junk food and get into stuff so she can make a mess. I think I may be calling Sylvan soon.

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