Thursday, January 21, 2010

Weightless Wednesday

So I know today is not Wednesday and to be honest I'm not sure if I was weightless. I was running a million miles an hour yesterday and didn't have the chance to weigh in. I would venture to say I probably didn't lose. So here's my excuse: I experienced my first ever migrane this week. I must say it was terrible. The best description I could come up with for my headache was contractions behind my eyes. I didn't feel like eating or exercising for a few days. Once I got my appetite back I didn't make the healthiest choices. Needless to say I will be getting my eyes examined soon. I have kept a dull headache since the migrane left. I know this is an excuse and I should just get over it (and I will just as soon as the contractions subside). Don't worry I will be lighter in no time.

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