Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Poor Girl

The Belle loves Sunday and Wednesday nights at church. On Sunday night Ms. Sherry is her teacher and on Wednesday nights Ms. Pam is her teacher. Both ladies are wonderful and The Belle loves them. She asks everyday if she is going to one of their classes at church. So, of course when she woke up this morning the first thing she asked is if she was going to church tonight. She was so excited to be going to church tonight. She asked all day long if it was time to go to Ms. Pam's class. Around 4:00 she told me she was tired and her head hurt. So, I checked her temp. and sure enough she had a low grade fever. Then, I had to tell her the bad news: that she couldn't go to church. It was so heartbreaking. She tried not to cry (her bottom lip was shivering) and then all of a sudden she was sobbing. Then I started crying. She kept telling me that she didn't have a fever and she could go. It was one of the saddest days for me as a parent. She fell asleep at 5:30 and slept until 7:30. It is 9:30 and she is lying next to me in the recliner sleeping. Hopefully, this fever will not last long and nothing else will come along with it. There is a little good news: the dryer is working.

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