Monday, December 7, 2009

The Bear

While we were on our Disney trip The Lynn got a new nickname: "The Bear". Everytime the girls would eat or drink something they would give her some. We would tell them don't feed the bear because she wouldn't be happy with just a sample. She would scream as soon as she didn't get more of what they were eating. So, since we have been back we have called her The Bear. Friday night she re-affirmed her new nickname. While Husband and I were getting ready to go Christmas shopping the big girls were playing and watching tv. I thought The Lynn was playing with them but I was mistaken. The Belle ran into my room yelling "Momma this is torrible, just torrible what The Lynn has done" I asked her "what is it?" and she couldn't even get the words out she said "please come and see the torrible mess she has made". I ran into the kitchen to find that she got into a brand new bottle of chocolate syrup. This bottle had never been opened. She tore the wrapper off and somehow unscrewed the cap off the top; just like well a bear. So what is a Mom to do when there is a ginormous mess on the kitchen floor (thank goodness it was in the kitchen and not on carpet) well she gets out the video camera and takes pictures. When I took the cap out of her mouth she yelled like a bear until I threw her in the bathtub (clothes and all) then she was happy. As I am typing this The Bear is digging through the trash can. I really need her to hibernate for awhile. On another note: the Christmas tree is up. I will try to do a post on it tomorrow. Oh by the way: chocolate syrup is a PAIN to clean up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wayyyy too funny!!!!! i would have died! you seem to be much calmer about these things. lol. although, the other day, logan and luke proceeded to use there tummys as dry-erase boards, only it doesnt erase till after about 2 baths!! haha. i had to go get the camera too!! you want to get on to them, but you just have to have a pic!!