The Lynn celebrated her 1st birthday yesterday. She also had her first ear infection (double) diagnosed today. I knew she wasn't feeling well at her "party" Saturday morning and she progressively got worse. She is such a little trooper though. So to keep in tradition I have written her a birthday letter.
Dear Lynn,
It is so hard for me to believe that you are 1! I can still remember the day I found out I was pregnant with you. So many emotions overwhelmed me that day. First and foremost I was scared. I couldn't stop thinking how am I going to be a mommy to 3 babies 3 and under? I was worried how a new baby would affect The Belle and The May. I was worried about how we could afford another baby. But I was also thrilled that I would have a precious (hopefully girl) baby to love. Your daddy and I were so excited when we found out we were going to have another baby girl. The moment you entered the world all my fears immediately vanished and God has provided our every need. I can't imagine life without you. You are the most laid back baby I have ever known. Even the past few days you have been sick and you just "roll with it". Your sisters absolutley adore you and you them. When things get crazy around here it is you that keeps me sane. You are usually the one that helps me "hold it together". You are at such a fun age. You are learning new things everyday. The cutest thing you do right now is when I tell you "no,no" you shake your head no. You have also learned how to wave bye,bye and are walking all over the place. One of my favorite things you do is when out of nowhere you attack my face with a big mouth wide open kiss. You are such a sweet girl and you my little Lynn made our family complete. I love you more than words could ever express.
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