Thursday, August 26, 2010

I am becoming a grown-up

The time has arrived! The Belle goes to kindergarten tomorrow! I have very mixed emotions about this. I am mostly overwhelmed with excitement for her. She is going to an amazing school and is going to learn so much more than I ever did. And well, she is so excited about starting (so that helps). But, this teeny tiny part of me wants to break down in tears and scream NOOOO! Because, this all just happened so quickly. I mean didn't I just bring this child home from the hospital?!? The realization of The Belle starting school hit The May yesterday. As we were packing all of her school supplies The May looked up at me with the most pitiful face and said "I want to go to school too". I told her we were going to have school at our house for her and it took her mind off of it. This is going to be a huge adjustment for all of us. All prayers are very appreciated! Pictures will follow soon :)

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