Friday, August 13, 2010

The White Flag Is In My Hand

We started potty training The Lynn on Monday and here it is Friday and I am ready to quit; and in all honesty I think she is also ready. I thought she would pick up on it really quickly because she has 2 older sisters. But, I think they are more of a distraction for her. I have to watch her like a hawk for her potty cues and then run her to the potty. She doesn't take any initiative to go towards the potty at all. I don't have the time or the energy to do that ALL.DAY.LONG. She needs me to be consistent and its just not happening right now. Every time I turn my back she has already peed all over the floor. So, we will attempt this again in a couple of months.

One of the main reasons I haven't been consistent with The Lynn is because I have started SEWING!!! For those of you who know me you know that I am not domesticated at all. So when my parents bought me a sewing machine for my birthday I knew the time had arrived for me to start sewing. I am not kidding when I say "I have never sewn anything a day in my life"! Somehow I managed getting through high school without sewing the first thing. Sadly enough, my husband knows more about sewing than I do. He has been so supportive and helpful the past couple of days. I bought the easiest pattern I could find and the cheapest fabric and started sewing. I have successfully sewed a minature pillowcase and 2 dresses together (they aren't finished just yet). I really didn't think I would enjoy sewing but it is so much fun! I can't wait to make the girls matching dresses. It looks like a better learn how to make a diaper cover also!

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