Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Fudge Mouth

Our nightly routine is exhausting to say the least. The girls bedtime is 7:30 so we start our nightly routine of baths, put on pajamas (or jomminies as The Lynn calls them), blow dry hair, brush teeth, floss teeth, rinse with fluoride, bed time story, and last but not least tuck everyone into bed. The tucking everyone into bed is a routine all in itself. Each girl must have their specific pillow pet (whale for The Belle, 2 lady bugs for The May, and a bumblebee for The Lynn), their special doll (a minnie mouse doll for The Belle, Madeline and Genevieve for The May, and Cleo the dog for The Lynn), and of course their special blanket that must be placed on top of them just right. Then each girl needs a hug, kiss, I love you, and last but not least we all say "you are the best" to each other about 50 times. By the time Husband and I close the door we both let out a big sigh. Then it is free time for us! Free time usually consists of some sort of dessert and watching whatever we want on t.v.! Occasionally, someone sneaks out of bed to announce they have an itch, some part of their body hurts, or to tattle on someone for talking instead of going to sleep. The really bad part about this is once one of us has to return to their bedroom each girl must have another: kiss, hug, I love you, and another round of you are the best said back and forth. So, last night The Lynn was the one who came out to inform us that she was scared of going to sleep. Husband took her back to bed and was the lucky one to go through the goodnights.....again. As he tucked in The May (again) she said "why does your mouth smell like fudge?". If we aren't careful our night time party may be busted and we will never get these girls into bed!!

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