Thursday, December 4, 2008

Making Progress

I went to the Dr. last night. I am dialated 1 cm. and 60 percent effaced (sorry, if that is too much info. for some of you). I really don't think I am going to make it to my due date. I am so excited that there is some progress going on. I packed my bags and a bag for the baby today. The girls were very helpful while I was packing. The Belle had lots of questions about the hospital, when we would go, if she would get to go, if she would get to sit with me, and on and on. We have a game plan in place in case I go into labor while husband is at work. I don't know why but my gut feeling tells me it will be at night. That could be becasue I began laboring at night with the girls. I think Husband is the one who is worried the most. I am just excited to get her here!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

ME TOO!! Congrats on the progress!