I called the pediatrician yesterday to find out if the whooping cough results for The Lynn came back. The results are not in yet but she asked if I could take her in to get a chest x-ray. She wanted to rule out any other issues that could be lingering in her chest. So, Husband came home a little early from work so he could go with me and my mom kept The Belle and The May. I have to admit I was a little worried about The Lynn during the x-ray. I just imagined her screaming and wiggling the entire time. Once we got back into the room I had to hold her hips still while the tech held her arms up abve her head. I wish I would have taken my camera because she was smiling the biggest smile I have ever seen! Husband and I were cracking up because she was smiling for her x-ray. If only she would smile that big for a "real" picture.
We should find out the x-ray results within a day or so.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
You're Fired
We woke up Saturday morning to terrible weather. Flash floods were all around us. Husband decided that he would take The Belle to gym. As I was getting her ready she was crying that she was hungry. So, I quickly got her a banana. She took one bite and began throwing up. This continued for the majority of the morning. She seemed to be back to normal Saturday night. The May woke up at 4:00 Sunday morning throwing up (which woke up The Lynn) and then The Belle followed at 5:30 throwing up again. Thankfully, Husband was here because I don't know how I would have handled it all. Both girls seem fine. I am sure they picked up some virus from Thursday's visit to the Dr. and the hospital (lovely). I decided over the weekend that I am going to fire our cleaning lady. She has been slacking in all the following duties:
washing/drying/folding/and putting up all 10 gazillion loads of laundry
cleaning the bathroom
cleaning the kitchen
Oh wait a minute....we dont have a cleaning lady. So, I did all of the above. Everything in this house is clean: every blanket, sheet, pillowcase, comforter, clothes (all put away), kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms, living room, if it has a surface it has been bleached.... twice. So, that sums up our weekend.
washing/drying/folding/and putting up all 10 gazillion loads of laundry
cleaning the bathroom
cleaning the kitchen
Oh wait a minute....we dont have a cleaning lady. So, I did all of the above. Everything in this house is clean: every blanket, sheet, pillowcase, comforter, clothes (all put away), kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms, living room, if it has a surface it has been bleached.... twice. So, that sums up our weekend.
Friday, March 27, 2009
My power just came back on after being off for 7 HOURS! I really appreciate electricity. I think God was teaching me to be appreciative this morning. The girls had to eat peanut butter crackers for breakfast and The Lynn had to eat a frigid bottle. When the power finally came back on at 11:30 The Belle asked if they could have waffles now. We read every book in the house and put together every puzzle we own. We don't watch a whole lot of tv but I really missed Sesame Street this morning.
So, yesterday was a crazy day. The Lynn has a really bad cough so I took her in to the Dr. yesterday morning (along with The Belle and The May in tow). After an hour at the Dr. she decided that The Lynn needed to go to the hospital to get tested for whooping cough. After waiting an hour at the hospital I took the big girls to McDonalds. They were very good at the Dr. office and the hospital so they needed a reward. Then we made our way to Wal-Mart; which lasted another hour. I told the girls when we were at the Dr. we would go to the bookmobile later that afternoon (had I known how long we were going to be I would not have told them about it) so, I had to stick to it and off we went. We finally returned home at 2:15 (all of the above was done in the rain). I gave The Lynn a breathing treatment, fed her, and put her down for a nap. By the time all that was accomplished it was 3:00. That is when I realized The May had not taken a nap. 3:00 is too late for her to nap so, I knew a meltdown was awaiting us. Sure enough 6:30 came and The May fell apart. After supper, baths, teeth brushing, and bedtime "stuff" it was 9:30 before I got a shower.....sheesh! As I am typing this The May is "melting down" while sitting on my lap...nap time is just around the corner!
Oh yea we will find out about the whooping cough in a few days.
So, yesterday was a crazy day. The Lynn has a really bad cough so I took her in to the Dr. yesterday morning (along with The Belle and The May in tow). After an hour at the Dr. she decided that The Lynn needed to go to the hospital to get tested for whooping cough. After waiting an hour at the hospital I took the big girls to McDonalds. They were very good at the Dr. office and the hospital so they needed a reward. Then we made our way to Wal-Mart; which lasted another hour. I told the girls when we were at the Dr. we would go to the bookmobile later that afternoon (had I known how long we were going to be I would not have told them about it) so, I had to stick to it and off we went. We finally returned home at 2:15 (all of the above was done in the rain). I gave The Lynn a breathing treatment, fed her, and put her down for a nap. By the time all that was accomplished it was 3:00. That is when I realized The May had not taken a nap. 3:00 is too late for her to nap so, I knew a meltdown was awaiting us. Sure enough 6:30 came and The May fell apart. After supper, baths, teeth brushing, and bedtime "stuff" it was 9:30 before I got a shower.....sheesh! As I am typing this The May is "melting down" while sitting on my lap...nap time is just around the corner!
Oh yea we will find out about the whooping cough in a few days.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Weight"Less" Wednesday: - 0.6
I had really hoped for a bigger weight loss this week. This was a really difficult week for me. Husband and I have been running 2 miles and running stadiums everyday. On Saturday (after setting a new 2 mile record; 19 min and 37sec.) I fell running up the stadiums. Needless to say, my right shin ate the concrete stadium. I can barely bend my right knee and it is STILL bleeding. I have given birth three times (one of which I had no pain medicine) and this pain is worse. The problem is the pain is constant; I can not get comfortable. Weight loss for women is so hard. Even though I haven't been able to run, I am still dieting. I can diet until the cows come home but if I don't exercise I will not lose weight and that is so frustrating! If a man (like my father-in-law) cuts out one snack a day for a week he can lose 6 pounds. It just doesn't seem fair. So, after lots of tears and frustration I am sticking with it. I have come way too far to give up. Hopefully my leg will begin to heal within the next few days and I can get back to exercising. I did get some new weights over the weekend. I moved up from 5 pounds to 15 pounds. Maybe that will help me at least maintain this week.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Picture Post
Monday, March 23, 2009
Better Late Than Never
The Lynn was 3 months old on Friday. I still can't believe it has already been 3 months since she arrived. I never posted how she arrived so its better late than never...right?
So, on Dec. 17th which was a Wed. I had a Dr. appt. I had to see the nurse practitioner because my Dr. was in delivery. I was very disappointed because I really wanted to discuss the possibilty of inducing so I could be home for Christmas. I was still just 2 cm. dialated and 80% effaced.I told the nurse practitioner that I hadnt been feeling the baby move very much so she hooked me up to the monitor. While we were waiting my Dr. came in. She looked at everything and felt like all was good. She was very confident that The Lynn would not come until after Christmas since her due date was Jan. 2nd. The only way she would induce me was if I would do an amnio which puts the baby at a slight risk and well a needle through my belly. So, we decided against that. I left very disappointed. I spent all day Thursday walking. I began contracting a little but nothing serious. Friday was Husbands last day at work before the holidays and I was determined that The Lynn would arrive before Christmas. Not to mention several people had been praying for her arrival to be on the 20th of Dec. I walked the entire length of my yard all Friday morning. Around 11:00 am I felt some contractions that were different than what I had been feeling. They continually were getting stronger. I called my Mom at 1:00 and she was on her way home from work so she came straight to the house to help with the girls. At 1:30 I called Husband at work and he was here in no time. We drove quickly to the hospital although my contrations had slowed down. On the way to the hospital a cop pulled up beside us and motioned for Husband to slow down. He rolled down the window to yell at to the cop that I was in labor and the cop quickly motioned us on. When we arrived my contractions had pretty much stopped and I was feeling really dumb for going to the hospital. We went anyway to find out that I was still 2cm dialated and 80% effaced. The nurse told me to walk around the hospital for an hour and then come back and she would check me again. When we came back I had dialated to 3 cm. So, we walked for another hour. Keep in mind this is all on the 3rd floor of the hospital (they wouldnt let me leave the maternity floor). This time I not only walked the floor but the stairs also. We came back and I was still the same (matter of fact my uterus had tilted backwards). I was feeling some pretty strong contractions so they hooked me up to the monitor for another 45min. The nurse came in and said she had talked to my Dr. (who was at the hospital delivering) and she felt like I could go home. I immediately burst into tears because I knew the baby was coming and I was afraid I would not get an epidural (I was not doing that again). The nurse went and got my WONDERFUL Dr. who came in and checked me and confirmed that yes I was about 5 cm dialated and was in labor. She assured me that I would be having a baby. She said lets get an epidural and I will break your water. When I got the epidural I felt an entire spot in my back go numb and then felt nothing else. No tingling in the legs, no coldness down my spine, nothing. The nurse assured me that it would begin working and was going to go ahead with the catheter. As soon as she began that process I just about jumped out of the bed because I could feel everything she was doing. My Dr. came in and proceeded to break my water which sent me into a tearful outburst. She knew that the epidural had not worked and quickly called the anestheologist back to do it again. Thank goodness the second one worked. As soon as the epidural began working my contractions stopped. At this point I was about 7 cm. dialated. My Dr. began pottosin (sp?) and within 30 min I was ready to push. The Lynn arrived at 12:24 am on Dec. 20th. My mom, stepdad, John, and Emily were all there when The Lynn arrived and I was so greatly relived that I would be home for Christmas with all my girls. God really took care of me and my baby that day. I learned once again that all things are possible with God.
I know this was a little long but it is something I wanted to document for The Lynn when she gets older. 3 months have gone by so quickly and it is still hard to belive that I have 3 kids. It is very difficult some days but The Lynn is such a breath of fresh air. When she smiles and coos at me it just melts my heart. She is growing so quickly and sometimes I wish she would just stay a baby. I will try to post some pics soon (I know Kelly, you are thinking yea right! But, I will really try to get them up this week.)
So, on Dec. 17th which was a Wed. I had a Dr. appt. I had to see the nurse practitioner because my Dr. was in delivery. I was very disappointed because I really wanted to discuss the possibilty of inducing so I could be home for Christmas. I was still just 2 cm. dialated and 80% effaced.I told the nurse practitioner that I hadnt been feeling the baby move very much so she hooked me up to the monitor. While we were waiting my Dr. came in. She looked at everything and felt like all was good. She was very confident that The Lynn would not come until after Christmas since her due date was Jan. 2nd. The only way she would induce me was if I would do an amnio which puts the baby at a slight risk and well a needle through my belly. So, we decided against that. I left very disappointed. I spent all day Thursday walking. I began contracting a little but nothing serious. Friday was Husbands last day at work before the holidays and I was determined that The Lynn would arrive before Christmas. Not to mention several people had been praying for her arrival to be on the 20th of Dec. I walked the entire length of my yard all Friday morning. Around 11:00 am I felt some contractions that were different than what I had been feeling. They continually were getting stronger. I called my Mom at 1:00 and she was on her way home from work so she came straight to the house to help with the girls. At 1:30 I called Husband at work and he was here in no time. We drove quickly to the hospital although my contrations had slowed down. On the way to the hospital a cop pulled up beside us and motioned for Husband to slow down. He rolled down the window to yell at to the cop that I was in labor and the cop quickly motioned us on. When we arrived my contractions had pretty much stopped and I was feeling really dumb for going to the hospital. We went anyway to find out that I was still 2cm dialated and 80% effaced. The nurse told me to walk around the hospital for an hour and then come back and she would check me again. When we came back I had dialated to 3 cm. So, we walked for another hour. Keep in mind this is all on the 3rd floor of the hospital (they wouldnt let me leave the maternity floor). This time I not only walked the floor but the stairs also. We came back and I was still the same (matter of fact my uterus had tilted backwards). I was feeling some pretty strong contractions so they hooked me up to the monitor for another 45min. The nurse came in and said she had talked to my Dr. (who was at the hospital delivering) and she felt like I could go home. I immediately burst into tears because I knew the baby was coming and I was afraid I would not get an epidural (I was not doing that again). The nurse went and got my WONDERFUL Dr. who came in and checked me and confirmed that yes I was about 5 cm dialated and was in labor. She assured me that I would be having a baby. She said lets get an epidural and I will break your water. When I got the epidural I felt an entire spot in my back go numb and then felt nothing else. No tingling in the legs, no coldness down my spine, nothing. The nurse assured me that it would begin working and was going to go ahead with the catheter. As soon as she began that process I just about jumped out of the bed because I could feel everything she was doing. My Dr. came in and proceeded to break my water which sent me into a tearful outburst. She knew that the epidural had not worked and quickly called the anestheologist back to do it again. Thank goodness the second one worked. As soon as the epidural began working my contractions stopped. At this point I was about 7 cm. dialated. My Dr. began pottosin (sp?) and within 30 min I was ready to push. The Lynn arrived at 12:24 am on Dec. 20th. My mom, stepdad, John, and Emily were all there when The Lynn arrived and I was so greatly relived that I would be home for Christmas with all my girls. God really took care of me and my baby that day. I learned once again that all things are possible with God.
I know this was a little long but it is something I wanted to document for The Lynn when she gets older. 3 months have gone by so quickly and it is still hard to belive that I have 3 kids. It is very difficult some days but The Lynn is such a breath of fresh air. When she smiles and coos at me it just melts my heart. She is growing so quickly and sometimes I wish she would just stay a baby. I will try to post some pics soon (I know Kelly, you are thinking yea right! But, I will really try to get them up this week.)
Friday, March 20, 2009
Not So Lady Like
If you think of my girls as sweet and dainty then you may not want to read this post. I would hate for your impression of them to be altered.
As we were getting in the van yesterday The Belle says "Mom I just tooted 3 times. I think I am still hungry." The May replies with "I don't think you are hungry; I think you need to go poopoo." I was a little taken back. The May actually used some logic. Husband and I just laughed.
As we were getting in the van yesterday The Belle says "Mom I just tooted 3 times. I think I am still hungry." The May replies with "I don't think you are hungry; I think you need to go poopoo." I was a little taken back. The May actually used some logic. Husband and I just laughed.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Weight"Less" Wednesday
On Jan. 12th of this year I started a "biggest loser" style competition with several friends and family members. To participate in the competition we each pay $10. Each week we email our weight loss percentage. At the end of the month whoever has the greatest percentage loss wins the cash ($100). I am proud to say that Husband won the first month and I won the second month. Without the competition and the support of my husband there is no way I would have been able to lose weight. Since Christmas Eve I have lost 44 pounds. I will never forget the sadness I felt on Christmas Eve when I stepped on the scale. I really thought at that point that I would be at that weight for the rest of my life. It was a very depressing feeling. I am so happy to say that I am now back at my pre-pregnancy weight (with The Lynn). I have 21 more pounds to lose to get to my wedding day weight. So, every Wednesday I am going to post my weekly weight loss. This is strictly a motivation for me. It will keep me accountable with these last 21 pounds. I had wanted to start blogging about my weight loss journey when we started the competition but, I am going to be very honest...... I didn't think I could lose the weight and I didn't want to fail myself. Now, that I have come this far I know the remainder of the weight will come off. And now that I am actually blogging about it I don't want to let myself or you down. So, in a way you; the reader have become part of this journey with me. Tune in next week to see how much I have lost. I am going to post a before and after picture very soon.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Spring Is In The Air
On the agenda today: cleaning out all the winter clothes and replacing with spring/summer clothes. I will also be cleaning out The Lynn's clothes that are too small. It seems so weird to pack up newborn outfits...didnt she just enter this world? She shouldn't be growing this fast. It is a little sad to pack some of her clothes because all 3 of my girls wore alot of them. I'm not quite sure what I will be doing with them. This will probably be an all day event. The Belle and The May love when I clean out drawers. Clothes wind up all throughout the house and I have to spend more time cleaning up after them than actually cleaning out the drawers.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I got my new ipod or nipod according to the girls. It is so cute and so little. I started running 2 miles this week so, the ipod will make it so much better than listening to the wind blow.
Monday, March 9, 2009
I Am Waiting On This......

Because One Of My Darling Little Girls Lost This...........

If I was a betting Mommy I would put my money on The May as the one who lost it. I am sure the old one will turn up as soon as I get my new one. I think the pink one is so CUTE! I have been working out everyday with a walk-man from the dollar store and it has been horrible. Running will be so much better now that I will have my music.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
I'm Not A Baby Anymore
I catch myself calling the girls baby all the time. I must say it alot because I have heard The Belle tell The May "that's not going to work baby" or "hold my hand baby". Last night Husband called The May baby and she stopped in her tracks and sighed "ugh Daddy I am not a baby anymore I am a big girl". Then just moments later both girls were whining while asking for some milk. Husband told them that he would get them some milk when they could say please in a "big girl voice". The May quickly said: "please in a big girl voice I can have some milk". We just had to laugh.
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