Monday, March 30, 2009

You're Fired

We woke up Saturday morning to terrible weather. Flash floods were all around us. Husband decided that he would take The Belle to gym. As I was getting her ready she was crying that she was hungry. So, I quickly got her a banana. She took one bite and began throwing up. This continued for the majority of the morning. She seemed to be back to normal Saturday night. The May woke up at 4:00 Sunday morning throwing up (which woke up The Lynn) and then The Belle followed at 5:30 throwing up again. Thankfully, Husband was here because I don't know how I would have handled it all. Both girls seem fine. I am sure they picked up some virus from Thursday's visit to the Dr. and the hospital (lovely). I decided over the weekend that I am going to fire our cleaning lady. She has been slacking in all the following duties:

washing/drying/folding/and putting up all 10 gazillion loads of laundry
cleaning the bathroom
cleaning the kitchen
Oh wait a minute....we dont have a cleaning lady. So, I did all of the above. Everything in this house is clean: every blanket, sheet, pillowcase, comforter, clothes (all put away), kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms, living room, if it has a surface it has been bleached.... twice. So, that sums up our weekend.

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