Friday, April 10, 2009

Dear Belle,

Where in the world has time gone? You are 4 years old today. It just seems like yesterday I was walking into the hospital to have you. It seems as if you were just rolling over for the first time and saying your first words. There are so many milestones that I can remember vividly but, yet so many that I have taken for granted. I wish I could bottle up every single day I have with you so I will never forget how innocent and sweet you are. In the last 4 years you have turned into such an amazing little girl. As I put you to bed last night you asked if you could say your prayers all by yourself. It was so sweet to hear you talk to Jesus. I know in my heart of hearts you understand that there is a God and that he sent his son to die for your sins and that one day you will spend eternity with him. Now, if you can fully comprehend that right now I am not sure but who really can. I pray that God will continue to shape your little heart to be Christ like. There are things you do everyday that make me so proud to be your Mama but, there are 2 things you have done this week that literally brought tears to my eyes. Yesterday we were at the bookmobile and you told the worker: "tomorrow is my birthday and I am going to be 4 years old and I am going to have a party right over there at that park and my daddy is off of work for my birthday and he doesn't have to go to work at all next week and you know what else?.....Jesus and God died on the cross on my birthday and they did that because they love us" and you ended with: "did you know that"? All I could do was smile. As you were talking and talking and talking I stood there thinking about how far you have come. There was a time that you wouldn't even lift your head out of my chest when a stranger was near and now here you are having a conversation with the man at the bookmobile. The other thing that made me so proud happened today. Nana and I took you to the store with us while The May and The Lynn stayed home with daddy and took naps. You wore your new "Strawberry Shortcake" backpack and packed it with books, snacks, and your 5 dollars that Ms. Pam gave you for your birthday. You asked if you could spend your money at the store (how could I say no?) We went to "Hobby Lobby" where you wanted some of the most random things (cookie cutters, cake pans, peppermints, etc.) and you continually asked me if you had enough money for it. You then spotted a "Mickey Mouse" sticker/activity book that was $1.29. I said you had enough money for that if you were sure that was what you wanted to spend your money on. Then you looked up at me with the sweetest eyes and said "I need to get one for The May too". I explained to you that it was your money and you could spend it however you liked. You completely understood and wanted her to have something also. I could have broke down and cried but I watched you stand in line patiently (with your backpack on) and hand the cashier your money. You were so happy with your purchase and the 2 of us walked out with our heads held high. I could go on for days with all the blessings that you have brought to our life. There are many days that I have wanted God to just freeze time so you won't grow up anymore. I can not imagine time going by any faster than the past 4 years have but I know somehow they probably will. I love you more than words can express and you have fulfilled my life more than you will ever know.


Kelly said...

well that is the sweetest thing I've ever read! I can't believe shes 4! I remember going to the girls first birthday!

Special K said...

i absolutely got choked precious!