Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Weight"Less" Wednesday: -0.8

It has been another "one of those weeks". I have been the exact same weight for 6 days straight. It is so frustrating to not lose more than this when I know I am doing everything I should be. I have been drinking at least 62 ozs. of water a day, running at least 3 times a week, lifting weights every night, eating the correct amount of calories, and journaling everything I put into my mouth. I know it will "pass" and I will lose more; eventually. I have 10 more pounds to lose and I really want it off by May 22nd. The 22nd is when Husband is off for the summer. We said that would be our date night (it will be the first time we have been out to eat; other than Subway since December. And the first thing I have eaten that is not diet food since Jan. 1st). SInce he will be off of work that will give us the opportunity to "work off" any extra pounds. I know I shouldn't be frustrated because this is a loss but I sure was hoping for more. One of the things that gives me inspiration is "The Biggest Loser". I think about poor Kristin who gained a pound last week at the weigh in. Can you imagine how frustrating that is to gain weight when you are working out 8 hours a day and dieting. Weight loss is hard but yet so rewarding.


Special K said...

Are you kidding are doing great! Look at how far you have come. I ran 13 miles on Saturday and didn't drop a pound. I'm so proud of you!

Kelly said...

It's possible that its because you are gaining muscle mass, right? Either way, you are doing all of the right things involved in a healthy lifestyle! Good job!