I have been cleaning out the girls toys today. They have so many toys that are not age appropriate, have missing parts, or are just broken. I am not sure how this happens, but everytime I clean out I seem to make a bigger mess than I started with. The girls don't seem to help either. We took a break to eat lunch and as I walked into the living room every book was off the shelf, all the crayons and markers were dumped out, and every baby doll was naked. It will take me the rest of the afternoon to clean it all up. The girls did say some funny things while we were cleaning up that I wanted to post.
The Belle found a picture of "Jasmine" and she wanted to know why she always wears a "bookini" (bikini) with pants.
I found The May standing backwards over the potty. I asked her what she was doing. She looked up at me with a straight face and said "I am going pee pee on the potty like Jude does."