Tuesday, July 21, 2009


When it comes to my hair style, I am very indecisive. So, here is what happens: I will find a picture that I think I like and take it to my hairgirl; LeighAnn. She always does a grat job and I always tell her I will be back in about 6 weeks to keep the style up. Well, I never hold up my end of the deal and my hair ends up getting long, ratty, and just plain nasty. Then I am back at square one trying to find a hairstyle. So, I was going to leave it up to you to decide what you think would look best on me. But, I ran out of time so hopefully I will return with a new look. Which will probably not look like any of these pictures. I realize I do not look like any of the following celebrities. I also realize getting a hair cut similar to a celebrity will not make me look like them either. I tried to choose celebs who have similar hair to mine. *Note; I have not had a haircut since the middle of December.

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