Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Weight"Less" Wednesday: -0.0

I am still maintaining. I am in such a routine these days that it makes it easy to maintain. I would like to see the scale drop a little but I am happy where I am. So, this week's topic is:BALANCE.

One definition of balance is "a state of equilibrium". I am struggling right now with balance. I was pregnant for so long that I pretty much ate whatever I wanted. I had no self control. I can remember eating an entire bag of chocolate covered peanuts at one sitting! Then I jumped to the extreme opposite when I started losing weight. I would not eat anything that did not meet my calorie intake for the day. Now, that I have met my goal and am maintaining I have started to re-introduce foods that I haven't eaten in 6 months. Part of my brain jumps back to pregnancy days and I want to eat every oreo in the bag. The other part of my brain jumps into diet mode and I don't want to eat any of it. I have got to find a happy balance. I keep reminding myself: "that I exercise every day, I drink lots of water, I eat very healthy, and that it will not break me to eat a cookie once in awhile". I just have to do it with balance.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I have like, zero self control when it comes to food. One thing that helps is to count out the serving size, then put the bag back in the pantry before I start eating my alloted amount. That way I wont eat the whole bag of chocolate covered peanuts, because I could if I wasnt paying attention! Good job maintaining!!