Thursday, September 10, 2009


Life is so much better when you are well rested! The Lynn went to sleep at 9:00 (and so did I) and she slept until 4:20 this morning! She went right back to sleep after her bottle and woke up at 7:00! Yes folks, that means I had 7 hours of uninerrupted sleep. I can not tell you how excited I was when I woke up. Even better news: no one else has been sick! I just knew that The Belle shared her throw up virus with the rest of us. So far so good...everyone is healthy. Other than chasing The Lynn (she is the fastest crawler I have ever seen) it has been a really good day. The Lynn loves to crawl wherever the big girls are. She especially likes to follow The May. This causes all sorts of problems. Everytime The Lynn goes missing I find her and The May up to no good. It usually consists of The May performing some sort of medical treatment (checking her ears, listening to her heart, weighing her, etc.) on her or feeding her. I have caught The Lynn eating all sorts of things that The May has given to her. Poor girl if she makes it to her 1st birthday unharmed it will be a miracle! Speaking of birthdays we are counting down to The May's 3rd birthday at the end of the month. A trip to party city is in the near future so she can choose her birthday theme. Can you believe it my baby is going to be 3!

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