Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Update on The Belle

You know the scene in the movie “Steel Magnolias” when Julia Roberts’ character (Shelby) has her low blood sugar attack in the beauty shop and her mom is forcing her to drink orange juice? Well, I have been living that scene every 4 – 6 hours since Sunday. Yep, The Belle is still sick. She refuses to take any medicine. I literally have to lay her on the floor and sit on top of her to make her take Tylenol. It typically takes about 3 times for her to take it. She screams, kicks, hits, gags, and sometimes throws up. It is so frustrating. You would think I was forcing pure acid down her throat. The ironic part: The May begins to scream and beg for the Tylenol. Husband and I took The Belle to her ear Dr. today. He said there is some fluid build up but their not infected. The tubes should be out within 6 months. We go back in September to see the status. For now, I am just praying that The Belle just has a virus and that I won’t end up at the pediatrician’s office anytime soon. I am going to go enjoy the fact that my husband is home with us for the rest of the day.


Somewhere Between Pinot and Pacifiers said...

Awww...I hope she feels better soon. DD begs for Tylenol too. It kind of scares me. Have you tried the grape flavor with her? Maybe a different flavor she will like. Good luck!

mommyJLP said...

I haven't been able to read your blogs in weeks, but it was good catching up on the weeks I;ve missed. I like reading all the little details that we don't get to talk about on the phone.

MommyJenn said...

I missed seeing you guys this morning to admire the girls in their Easter dresses. Call me if there is anything Rosy and I can do.