Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Happy 3rd Birthday

Dear Belle,
It is hard to believe that it has been 3 years since you entered this world. I could have never imagined how wonderful life would be with you. Although some days are very difficult, I thank God for you everyday. Here are just a few things that I love about you at 3 years old:

You have become very independent. You like to do things yourself. Especially, picking out your clothes and getting dressed.

You have become very "motherly" towards The May and you love her dearly. For example, tonight when she went to bed I told her to go give you a kiss and she carelessly walked by and you said "you better come over here and kiss me".

You ADORE Minnie Mouse and I love it when you pretend to be her.

Just within the past few months you want to dress up and wear your hair specific ways. This morning when we were getting ready for gym you asked if I would give you two braids. You have never asked for braids so I was happy to do it. You LOVE to wear lipstick which you call "mipstick". You are very particular about which shoes you wear. The first question you ask when you find out we are going somewhere is "which shoes am I going to wear"? Every day you ask if you can wear a skirt or dress.

You love going to gym and you are actually good at it. I always hear the other Mom's say see do it like The Belle does. That makes me very proud. But, you have no idea that they are bragging on you which makes it even better.

You are very detail oriented. You are always asking questions. When we are getting ready for church you always ask "Mama are you going to teach my class today"? Then you ask "whose house are we going to after church" and "who is going to be there"? You can pick out a Mickey Mouse or Minnie Mouse from a mile away. You are always very attentive.

You love to help me. Anytime I ask you to do something to help you say "sure I will". You especially enjoy helping me fold clothes and putting them away. You also enjoy watering the plants and vegetables outside.

You LOVE to be outside! You beg me everyday if we can go outside.

I could go on for days about all the wonderful qualities God has given you. I am very proud to be your Mama and I can not wait to see what the future holds for you. Please know that I love you with all my heart and I hope that every birthday is as magical as this one.


MommyJenn said...

Happy Birthday to The Belle! Time surely has flown since she was born! Her baby shower is one of the first events I can really remember attending at our church and she is one of the first babies that I remember being born after Hubby and I married. She is a remarkable little girl and our entire family wishes her the very happiest birthday.

Somewhere Between Pinot and Pacifiers said...

Happy Birthday to her! The pictures are adorable. It is amazing how time flies, isn't it? Everything you wrote is so sweet.