Saturday, April 19, 2008

Widespread Pandemic

After 6 days of the stomach flu I am feeling much better. This has been one of the worst weeks of my life. The Belle had a wonderful birthday party last weekend. It rained the first part of the morning and then cleared up enough for us to party outside. It rained the night she was born, her 1st birthday party, 2nd birthday party, and now her 3rd party. But, all turned out well until Sunday. On our way home from church Sunday night The Belle threw up in the car. (Unfortunately, husband was at church in a meeting so I was riding solo with both girls.) The Belle threw up from 7:00 Sunday night until 3:00 Monday afternoon. Luckily, the Dr. gave us an anti-vomit pill that was wonderful. I was also sick Sunday night until early Monday morning. I know we got the stomach flu from my friend Jessica and her family at The Belle's party. I thought it would last about 24 hours. Boy, was I wrong. This mess has lasted 6 days. As of today the following people have had or still have what we have entitled "widespread pandemic": Me, The Belle, The May, Husband, Papa, Nana, Grandmama, Pappy, Sarah, and Jude. If Josh and Margo come out of this without getting sick it will be a miracle. The worst part is watching your kids get sick and feeling completely helpless. The May was very close to dehydration. She ended up going to the Dr. on Wednesday and after lots of going back and forth we decided to not give her an IV and a bag of fluids. She too began the magic pill, which helped her. On the way back from the Dr. my car broke down. I felt so bad for The May because she was so sick. I coasted in to a Wendy's parking lot where the two of us were pouring down in sweat because it was SO HOT. (I debated on taking her into the Wendy's but figured the dining customers would not appreciate me (who was covered in throw up) bringing my 18 month old (who was also covered in throw up) in.) So, we sat in the car and The May continued throwing up all over the two of us until Husband and The Belle arrived to get us. (Husband couldn't leave right away because The Belle had diarrhea and couldn't get off the toilet.) Luckily, Papa fixed the car. The Belle's response to the car being broke was "just go buy a new one". I wish it were that easy. Now, the disinfectant stage begins at our house. This could take weeks. Husband wants t-shirts made for The Belle's party next year that say "I survived The Belle's 3rd birthday." I think that sums up this week.

1 comment:

The Mrs. said...

We all had it and it was AWFUL. There's nothing worse!!!