Monday, April 21, 2008

Snake Baby

The May is still puking every 12-24 hours. This makes day # 9 of cleaning up puke. These walls are beginning to close in on me. I want to get out so bad but, I know the second we go somewhere someone will puke. So, I am going to stay here at Alcatrez for now. Unfortunately, Margo came down with the stomach flu and is having to take her seizure medication because she is runnning fever. Hopefully, this will pass soon. On somewhat of a brighter note, The Belle said the funniest thing last night. The May has to have her blanket, paci, and a baby when she starts feeling sick and or sleepy. It doesn't matter which baby, just a baby. (I have no idea where she got this from but she loves her babies and it is so cute.) So, since she has puked on the majority of the babies I asked The Belle to go find her glow worm baby to give to The May. The Belle comes running back like 5 minutes later and says "Mama I can't find that snake baby anywhere! " It was hilarious! I have no idea why she called it that but it was so funny. How weird would that be if there were a snake baby; ugh gross!


MommyJenn said...

Your baby Belle is using word association. "Worm" equals "Snake" See, she is going to be brilliant! She could probably score high enough on her SATs to get into Harvard right now. Well, that is if she had the fine motor skills to fill all those tiny little bubbles.

Your travails are cheering me up because I keep thinking 2 things. At least I'm not as big as Kate (with 6 babies) and at least no one is throwing up on me while I'm in my confinement.

Somewhere Between Pinot and Pacifiers said...

We used to have one of those "snake babies" too! :) I am sorry you are still going through the throw up thing. I hope it passes soon.