Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Loads of Fun

We had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. We spent Saturday with Uncle Josh, Aunt Sarah, Margo, Jude, Aunt Em, Reba, Grandmama, and Pappy. Aunt Em came in town. She was not able to come for The Belle and Margo's birthday so, she threw her own little party for them. She made Cinderella cupcakes for Margo and Mickey Mouse cupcakes for The Belle. They were adorable. The best part was the gift. She gave The Belle a Minnie Mouse dress up outfit and Margo a Cinderella one. Those girls were so cute. The Belle has worn hers everyday. Sunday we went to church followed by Lunch at our favorite BBQ place. The Belle had her first sleepover that night. She spent the night with Margo. She was so excited! Although Josh and Sarah begged for The May to stay, we decided she should sleep in her own crib. We thought 4 kids were a bit much. It was so sad when we left. The May looked over to The Belle's car seat and asked where she was. I told her she was going to stay with Margo and she started crying. I too, got teary eyed. I quickly distracted her tears by offering to take her to Krispy Kreme. There is one way to that girls heart. Monday we went to the beach with Josh, Sarah, Margo, and Jude. The beach was beautiful and the kids had a good time. Both girls fell asleep on the way home and went to bed fairly early. It was a great kick off to the summer. I can't wait for more days like that.


The Mrs. said...

I want a cinderella cupcake!!

justme said...

yum. yum.