Tuesday, June 30, 2009
The Lynn
The Lynn has her 6 month check up today. Can you believe it? She is already 6 months. She is such a happy baby. She is rolling over all over the place. The Belle and The May are constantly trying to "Mommy" her. Sometimes it entertains her and other times it just annoys her. She has started "talking" alot here lately and has the cutest little giggle when she gets tickled on her belly. If I could keep her from growing anymore; I would.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Nap or No Nap
The May quit taking naps about 2 months ago. If she does get a nap the girl is up until 11:00 at night bouncing off the walls. So, after a few nights of that we decided she wouldn't take any more naps. She has adapted pretty well. If we are in the van and its late afternoon, she will usually fall asleep. Well, yesterday my wonderful husband let me take a nap after church. Guess who was wide awake at 10:30? Yep, me. Guess who is not allowed to take naps anymore, yep me. When I finally fell asleep at 11:30 The Lynn woke up at 12:30. Once I got her back to sleep it was 1:15am. She has started rolling over in her crib and wakes up crying because she is on her belly. I lost count after the 4th time I turned her over. So, I was up and down all night. Then she was awake at 5:30 ready to eat. The two of us fell back to sleep at 6:30. The Belle made her entrance and woke the two of us up at 6:45. Guess who is going to really need a nap today, yep me.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Shout Out
Aunt Emily has started a blog. You must read it! She posts lots of healthy dishes. Her and Uncle John have become experts at turning your favorite fatty dishes into yummy healthy alternatives. I think they should have their own show on "Food Network". So, go vist them at:
Seriously, go now. You will be so glad you did!
Seriously, go now. You will be so glad you did!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Geaux Tigers
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Weight"Less" Wednesday: -0.0
I am not sure where my weight "less" Wednesdays posts are going to go since I have met my goal. For now, I am going to keep it up (its good motivation for me). There is an issue I would like to address. As The Belle and I were walking into swim lessons yesterday I overheard something that made me think. So, we are walking and I hear from behind me a boy say to his mom "wow, that lady has big muscles" (she looked like some sort of trainer and she did have big muscles). Then the boy tells his mom "you have flabby muscles". Her response was "I may be a little overweight but I do have muscle and anyways I just carry my weight different than other women." So, at this point I am completely intrigued. I can't see her because they are still behind us. So, I am trying to imagine what she must look like. Is she young? I know she has a child so does she look like a "typical mommy"? Does she have big muscles? Finally, I get a look at her. (Please understand I am not trying to be mean or ugly.) She was very overweight. That is when it hit me: women fall into 2 categories with their body image. *If you are a man, a woman who has never struggled with weight, or haven't had children you may not get this at all.*
Category 1: complete denial (like the mom at swim lessons).
Category 2: self-conscious
I fall into category2. I weigh the lightest I have in over 6 years and I can not remember the last time I was in the size I am in now. I am constantly evaluating my body. I ask Husband all the time if you can see my "muffin top". I have no idea why I do this. Regardless of the reason, the Bible speaks directly to each category of woman.
Here are a few versus for category 1:
Proverbs 23:20-21 speaks against gluttony and over indulgence.
1st Corinthians 10:23 Paul is speaking of discipline.
Heb. 12:1 the writer says to "run with endurance" which promotes an active lifestyle.
Now some versus for category 2 women:
Psalm 139:13-16 be accepting. You are made in God's own image.
1st Corinthians 15:57 be grateful.
Matthew 6:25-34 do not worry. Worrying shows a lack of faith in God.
So, somewhere you have to find a balance. I am really struggling with that right now. I am going to work on putting these versus to memory. I am also going to start praying for each category of women; that we will encourage each other when it comes to our body images. I pray that my girls never have to struggle with this. So, which category do you fall into? Or am I just crazy?
Category 1: complete denial (like the mom at swim lessons).
Category 2: self-conscious
I fall into category2. I weigh the lightest I have in over 6 years and I can not remember the last time I was in the size I am in now. I am constantly evaluating my body. I ask Husband all the time if you can see my "muffin top". I have no idea why I do this. Regardless of the reason, the Bible speaks directly to each category of woman.
Here are a few versus for category 1:
Proverbs 23:20-21 speaks against gluttony and over indulgence.
1st Corinthians 10:23 Paul is speaking of discipline.
Heb. 12:1 the writer says to "run with endurance" which promotes an active lifestyle.
Now some versus for category 2 women:
Psalm 139:13-16 be accepting. You are made in God's own image.
1st Corinthians 15:57 be grateful.
Matthew 6:25-34 do not worry. Worrying shows a lack of faith in God.
So, somewhere you have to find a balance. I am really struggling with that right now. I am going to work on putting these versus to memory. I am also going to start praying for each category of women; that we will encourage each other when it comes to our body images. I pray that my girls never have to struggle with this. So, which category do you fall into? Or am I just crazy?
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Ugly Toes
The girls L.O.V.E. getting their finger nails and toe nails painted. This is something we do quite frequently around here. The May was so proud of her new paint job and excitedly showed Nana her toes. My mom told her that they were beautiful and then took her shoes off to show The May her newly painted "french" pedicure. Nana asked her "what do you think"? The May responded: "your toes are ugly". We had a long discussion on how using that word can hurt someone's feelings. I am so glad she said it to Nana and not to someone in public.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Frenzy of Fun
We had another C.R.A.Z.Y/B.U.S.Y. weekend. All 3 girls spent the night with Grandmama and Pappy Friday night. Husband and I ran a "fun run" to see how fast we could run the mile. For 2 weeks now I have run an 8 minute mile. I can't seem to beat that time. Husband and I woke up VERY ealry to run a 5k at the beach. I beat my time from last weekend...28 min. 25 sec. That is a whole minute lower than last weekend. I was very excited! Now, it has become a competition within myself to improve on my time. After the race we met Grandmama at gym to get the girls. Saturday afternoon we met Uncle John, Aunt Emily, Nana, and Papa at a hot air balloon festival. We didn't realize the balloons didn't actually land until around 7:00 pm. So, we hung out at the festival (I mean sweltered) until The Lynn just about melted from the scorching heat. We went to the outlet mall to cool off and eat supper before heading back to see the balloons. It was one of the neatest things I have ever seen. Of course, my camera was "dead" but luckily Nana had hers. Everyone was exhausted (especially The May). We all crashed when we got home. We spent today at church and with Pappy. All in all it was a great weekend but I am ready to get back to our "normal" routine.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Weight"Less" Wednesday: -1.0
This week has been so crazy that I can't believe I actually lost a pound. I think the craziness must have helped. I haven't had time to slow down. Monday, The Belle had swim lessons. As soon as we got home and ate lunch we went shopping at the outlet mall. Yesterday, The Belle had swim. We left there to go pay for the race on Saturday. Once we stopped by Grandmamas to get The May and The Lynn we "flew" home to eat lunch. Then we had to turn around and go to gym (we had to make up a class). After gym I ran 3 miles at my Mom's house. Once we got home I cut the grass, washed the van, and washed Husbands truck. So, all the running around must have helped me drop a pound. After swim today we are going to set up a slip and slide in the yard. We need to chill out at home for at least a few hours. I am so excited about the 5k on Saturday. I can't wait to see if I can improve my time.
Monday, June 15, 2009
My goal was to run the 5k on Saturday under 30 min. I barely did it. I have been running around a track for the past 5 months so when we approached the ginormous hill I thought I would pass out. But, I didn't I just kept running. Believe it or not we actually placed in our divisions. I came in 3rd and Husband came in 2nd! I know it is unbelievable but go here for proof:
So, now my goal is to improve on my time with each race. We are running another 5k on Saturday. I am training now to beat my time.
So, now my goal is to improve on my time with each race. We are running another 5k on Saturday. I am training now to beat my time.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Poor Jude
We got a phone call from Aunt Sarah yesterday afternoon. Apparently, Jude fell from the top of the crib. She was on her way to the ER. He had a big dent in his head and she was worried. The Belle over heard me telling Husband the news. She was very concerned and wanted to go to the hospital to see him. Husband and I went to run while the girls stayed with Nana. As soon as we dropped them off I got a phone call from my mom. She asked me "is Jude at the hospital"? I said "yea, how did you know?" The Belle had informed her that Jude had to go to the hospital because he had an air conditioner in his head. She thought I said he had a vent in his head. Thank goodness there is no air conditioner in his head and he is doing fine.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Weight"Less" Wednesday: -1.8
I DID IT! I met my goal weight. This weight loss journey began 66 pounds and 5 months ago! I still can not believe that I lost that much weight. As I was running my 2 miles last night (in record time; 16 min. 36 sec.) I was thinking about what I should wear for my "after" picture. Then it hit me "why not wear your workout clothes". So, here it is. I feel like I am accepting an award and I should give a speech. First, I would like to thank my very supportive husband. Without him I would have never been able to lose the weight. As I was running stadiums a couple of weeks ago I glanced over and there he was. I realized at that point that is what most women need. A supportive husband (or friend) who is just there for them. He has really been my rock throughout this. I need to also thank my mom. She kept the girls nearly every. single. day. for the past 5 months. She would watch them after working long hours at her job. It would have been very difficult to have exercised without someone to watch the girls. I should also thank my "biggest loser" group (especially John, Emily, and Josh) for all the encouraging words they have given me. Last but not least, I need to thank my Heavenly Father. There were many times that I cried out to Him for strength and he never left my side. I am telling you all the blood, sweat, and tears was worth it. I feel great! The journey does not stop here. I have lots of work left to do! We have a 5k this weekend and next weekend to get ready for.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Tackling Everest
The next two weeks are a little crazy around here. Husband is at workshops everyday until 3. The Belle has swim lessons Mon-Th for the next two weeks....in the morning. So, its all me. Breakfast, morning chores (laundry, dishes, etc), get everyone dressed and out the door. I took The May and The Lynn to swim lessons yesterday to watch The Belle. For the remainder of the lessons they will be spending their mornings with Grandmama (thank goodness). Yea, they were not good at swim. The Lynn gets so hot and then gets really upset and The May just wants to climb the bleachers the entire time. So, visualize this: I am trying to settle a screaming 5 month old whilst reaching for an almost 3 year old (who has not an ounce of grace or balance) and trying to watch a 4 year old to make sure she is not drowning. Everest looks like a cake walk compared to these kids.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Wedding Plans
The Belle asks us questions about Disney World ALL.THE.TIME. Her favorite question to ask me is: "Mom, do you reeeaallyyy want to go to Disney World?". It's like she thinks the more she asks me this maybe the quicker we will get to go?? Anyways, she was asking me about a picture of me and Husband from our honeymoon (at Disney World). She wanted to know why we got to go. I explained to her that we went because we got married. So now she is demanding that she marries Husband so she too can go to Disney World. Everynight she plans their wedding. She is also planning on The May marrying me so she can go to Disney World also. That girl has lots to learn.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Weight"Less" Wednesday: -2.2
2 pounds to go! I am really hoping to lose these last 2 pounds by the weekend. I am a woman on a mission. The next few days will be very strict: lots of water/lots of fiber/LOTS of running and stadiums! So, last week I said I have a new goal. I don't necessarily want to lose any more weight (after I reach my goal), but I do want to seriously TONE up. For that to happen I may have to lose more weight. I don't know weight wise what it will take 5, 10 more pounds...I'm not sure but I have some "trouble" areas that I will be focusing on. I have come so far (64 pounds) and I don't want to "settle" here. If I reach my goal by next week I promise to post a before and after picture.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Very Bummed
Husband's first day of Summer School (well, it's not really Summer School; it's some sort of community service grant that he is working with) was yesterday. So, he sent me an email wanting me to write down all of his scheduled hours on the calendar. Apparently, the grant is for 120 hours which he has to work before school starts. These hours are just nuts. Basically he works everyday this week from 5:30am - 12:30. Then next week he has a workshop Mon-Th. from 8-3 and then Friday he works from 6:30-6:30. The next week is pretty much the same. The following week yep, pretty much the same. Then he works Mon.-Wed. the week of the Fourth. He gets a week off and then starts 2 weeks of more workshops. The next week everyday from 6:30 - 11:30. The last week of July he is off (that is our week at the beach house with Grandmama, Pappy, Uncle Josh, Aunt Sarah, Margo, Jude, Uncle John, and Aunt Emily). Then guess what the next week is....school starts. BLECH! So, my dreams of being at the beach everyday were busted. At least my mom has a pool. That is where we are headed today.
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