Monday, June 29, 2009

Nap or No Nap

The May quit taking naps about 2 months ago. If she does get a nap the girl is up until 11:00 at night bouncing off the walls. So, after a few nights of that we decided she wouldn't take any more naps. She has adapted pretty well. If we are in the van and its late afternoon, she will usually fall asleep. Well, yesterday my wonderful husband let me take a nap after church. Guess who was wide awake at 10:30? Yep, me. Guess who is not allowed to take naps anymore, yep me. When I finally fell asleep at 11:30 The Lynn woke up at 12:30. Once I got her back to sleep it was 1:15am. She has started rolling over in her crib and wakes up crying because she is on her belly. I lost count after the 4th time I turned her over. So, I was up and down all night. Then she was awake at 5:30 ready to eat. The two of us fell back to sleep at 6:30. The Belle made her entrance and woke the two of us up at 6:45. Guess who is going to really need a nap today, yep me.

1 comment:

The Mrs. said...

Vicious circle isn't it? Coco is a bis sleeper and so is Landon. Landon still does a two hour nap and goes to sleep at 7:30! Coco however, loves to sleep in the day and wake at night! I was up at 4:30 feeding her and am DEAD! Thanks for the potty advice...did you have drama with them going #2?