Sunday, June 21, 2009

Frenzy of Fun

We had another C.R.A.Z.Y/B.U.S.Y. weekend. All 3 girls spent the night with Grandmama and Pappy Friday night. Husband and I ran a "fun run" to see how fast we could run the mile. For 2 weeks now I have run an 8 minute mile. I can't seem to beat that time. Husband and I woke up VERY ealry to run a 5k at the beach. I beat my time from last weekend...28 min. 25 sec. That is a whole minute lower than last weekend. I was very excited! Now, it has become a competition within myself to improve on my time. After the race we met Grandmama at gym to get the girls. Saturday afternoon we met Uncle John, Aunt Emily, Nana, and Papa at a hot air balloon festival. We didn't realize the balloons didn't actually land until around 7:00 pm. So, we hung out at the festival (I mean sweltered) until The Lynn just about melted from the scorching heat. We went to the outlet mall to cool off and eat supper before heading back to see the balloons. It was one of the neatest things I have ever seen. Of course, my camera was "dead" but luckily Nana had hers. Everyone was exhausted (especially The May). We all crashed when we got home. We spent today at church and with Pappy. All in all it was a great weekend but I am ready to get back to our "normal" routine.

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