Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Weight"Less" Wednesday: -1.0

This week has been so crazy that I can't believe I actually lost a pound. I think the craziness must have helped. I haven't had time to slow down. Monday, The Belle had swim lessons. As soon as we got home and ate lunch we went shopping at the outlet mall. Yesterday, The Belle had swim. We left there to go pay for the race on Saturday. Once we stopped by Grandmamas to get The May and The Lynn we "flew" home to eat lunch. Then we had to turn around and go to gym (we had to make up a class). After gym I ran 3 miles at my Mom's house. Once we got home I cut the grass, washed the van, and washed Husbands truck. So, all the running around must have helped me drop a pound. After swim today we are going to set up a slip and slide in the yard. We need to chill out at home for at least a few hours. I am so excited about the 5k on Saturday. I can't wait to see if I can improve my time.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

You need to change your profile picture to include the Lynn and your new skinny mini self!