Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Weight"Less" Wednesday: -0.0

I am not sure where my weight "less" Wednesdays posts are going to go since I have met my goal. For now, I am going to keep it up (its good motivation for me). There is an issue I would like to address. As The Belle and I were walking into swim lessons yesterday I overheard something that made me think. So, we are walking and I hear from behind me a boy say to his mom "wow, that lady has big muscles" (she looked like some sort of trainer and she did have big muscles). Then the boy tells his mom "you have flabby muscles". Her response was "I may be a little overweight but I do have muscle and anyways I just carry my weight different than other women." So, at this point I am completely intrigued. I can't see her because they are still behind us. So, I am trying to imagine what she must look like. Is she young? I know she has a child so does she look like a "typical mommy"? Does she have big muscles? Finally, I get a look at her. (Please understand I am not trying to be mean or ugly.) She was very overweight. That is when it hit me: women fall into 2 categories with their body image. *If you are a man, a woman who has never struggled with weight, or haven't had children you may not get this at all.*

Category 1: complete denial (like the mom at swim lessons).
Category 2: self-conscious
I fall into category2. I weigh the lightest I have in over 6 years and I can not remember the last time I was in the size I am in now. I am constantly evaluating my body. I ask Husband all the time if you can see my "muffin top". I have no idea why I do this. Regardless of the reason, the Bible speaks directly to each category of woman.
Here are a few versus for category 1:
Proverbs 23:20-21 speaks against gluttony and over indulgence.
1st Corinthians 10:23 Paul is speaking of discipline.
Heb. 12:1 the writer says to "run with endurance" which promotes an active lifestyle.

Now some versus for category 2 women:
Psalm 139:13-16 be accepting. You are made in God's own image.
1st Corinthians 15:57 be grateful.
Matthew 6:25-34 do not worry. Worrying shows a lack of faith in God.

So, somewhere you have to find a balance. I am really struggling with that right now. I am going to work on putting these versus to memory. I am also going to start praying for each category of women; that we will encourage each other when it comes to our body images. I pray that my girls never have to struggle with this. So, which category do you fall into? Or am I just crazy?


Special K said...

absolutely 2 even though I could still lose a few. Before my wedding, I was in as good of shape and as small as I ever want or need to be and very strong. However, it took obsessively working out to do that and I still remember thinking I felt fat on my honeymoon. I'll join that prayer wagon. I think as long as you are exercising and not overeating, you will feel healthy and that should be enough. Just play with those precious baby girls when you feel insecure. They absolutely don't care...they love you just the way you are and that's the best feeling in the world!

Flota Family Blog said...

I have struggled with my weight forever! I want to congratulate you for your weight loss. I hope you keep it off. Please do not look down on people who have a weight problem.