Wednesday, August 13, 2008

White is NOT her color

The Belle was helping me put laundry into the washing machine this afternoon when I heard The May say "Uh Oh Mamma". My motherly instinct knew it was not a good uh oh so off I went to find her. She is running towards me with white something all over her lips and some sort of applicator in hand. Yep you guessed it .... white out. Apparently she thought it was lip gloss and onto her little lips it went. My first reaction was to call poison control (this would make # 9 or 10 in 3 1/2 years) but after realizing she did a very good job of not getting any in her mouth I decided she was fine. That stuff is hard to get off though.

1 comment:

Scarlet O'Kara said...

I just read your post and had to giggle...

I had to call Poison Control because my oldest (when she was 1 1/2) used diaper rash cream as tooth paste!

I have a great picture of her and the cat, covered...