Monday, September 15, 2008

Baby Blog Shower

Ok, so let me explain. The cutie Mommy over at OneFabulousMom is throwing a virtual bloggy baby shower. She has so kindly paired all of her pregnant readers up with a partner who so graciously sent a gift to the expectant mother. This is so unbelievable to me! I mean these ladies have no idea who I am (other than reading my blog). Although, I feel as if they are one of my very good friends because I read their blogs daily. I was paired up with SelfConfessedLampTramp. The girls and I quickly made a trip to the post office this morning to pick up our package. When we opened our gift we found that our sweet partner not only bought my sweet baby girl # 3 a gift but she also got The Belle and The May a gift. I am so honored that a lady from Louisiana would take the time and money to buy my girls something so sweet. She got the girls matching lunch boxes (with their names monogrammed on it) and baby girl # 3 the sweetest pink baby blanket. All of which, was purchased at (go visit her site NOW; it is sooo cute!) So, here are the pictures of my goodies! This was so much fun! Thank you so much to OneFabulousMom and SelfConfessedLampTramp. What a great way to start the week!


The Mrs. said...

That is just too fabulous!!!!! OMG!!!!!

Lamp Tramp said...

Just makes my day to "The Belle" and "The May" with their lunch bags! Baby Lucy can't have all the fun and limelight when she's got two beautiful big sisters!
XOXO to all!

Lamp Tramp said...

I'm so thrilled to see Belle and May with their little lunch totes. Your girls are so beautiful, as Lucy will be also. Take care!

Monogramchick said...

What fun to see your girls with their lunchboxes, they are such precious little girls! So glad you liked them and a huge thank you goes to Mrs. Lamp Tramp too!