Friday, September 26, 2008

Ranting Hefer

I bravely loaded up the girls yesterday to go find me a new dress. Husband and myself will be attending a wedding this weekend and since I am as big as a house I needed a new dress. I was desperately hoping that Target would have something so I wouldn't have to go to the mall. I have no idea what is going on with Target's maternity selection, but it is bare. There were literally 3 racks and all the clothes were lounge wear. Before leaving Target I bought the girls some TinkerBell lip gloss in the dollar spot. I thought "this will be good bribery to keep them occupied at the mall." So, off we went. After loading the girls into the stroller and hiking through the parking lot I pulled out the lip gloss. They were both very excited and were entertained for a while. Old Navy's dress selection was also bare so, off we went to Motherhood. Now begins my ranting. First of all, this is strictly a maternity store. So, there customers are pregnant mommies. What do pregnant mommies have? They have kids. So, you know they will be entering the store with a stroller. Here is my stroller:

I swear to you I have been in closets bigger than this store. I could not fit down any aisle without pulling some piece of clothing off the rack or knocking my children into something. Of course I wasn't the only pregnant mommy in the store with a stroller. So, here are me and this other lady both with strollers and fat bellies trying to finagle our way through this closet. It was horrible. I finally found some dresses to try on (in the handicap dressing room). As, I am trying on dresses I hear The May chewing on something. Yep, you guessed it she ate the lip gloss. I mean she bit off the entire end of the applicator. Then she began crying because her "TunkBell" lip gloss was broken. After drudging through the store once more I finally came out with a dress. It is not cute at all. Matter of fact it looks like cow print. Just what I need to look more like a cow. But, it was $16.00 and it is comfortable. Here is a pic:(BTW: I do not look anything like this in it)

Guess what the name of this dress is on Motherhood's website: sleveless cow Lneck dress. Now I know why it was so cheap. What pregnant woman other than myself would buy a dress labeled cow? I promise I will post a pic of the hefer in the dress.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I cant believe they named the dress that!! What were they thinking? Maybe that's why it was only $16.00?