Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Good-Bye Gracie

We got a new van today! I have dreamed about this day for awhile now. The picture is not our van but, it looks very similar. My Nannie always named her vehicles and I carried on the tradition by naming our car Gracie Grandam. I have to say pulling out of the dealership parking lot and leaving her there was wonderful. She was very good to us but, she had 180,000 miles and could not hold all of us any longer. We actually brought The Belle and The May home from the hospital in Gracie. I guess we will have to name the new van in honor of Gracie. I never knew how much of a difference a bigger vehicle would make. The extra room is so nice. Getting the girls in and out of their car seat is a breeze now. In the car I had to bend over (with a huge belly) and lug them in and out. Now, they can just climb in on their own and I don't have to bend over. And not to mention we will have somewhere to put the baby when she arrives. This is our first "grown up" vehicle and I love it!


Kelly said...

Congratulations! You've wanted a van for a long time! What kind did you get? I can't see the picture very well, but I know it's great. Hope all is well!

MommyJenn said...

Congrats! Is there room in there for an extra car seat and a booster seat? Superman, Rosy, and I may need to split the gas with you and make a shopping day to Foley now that one of us has a vehicle big enough to accomodate all the car seats and strollers.