Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Very Liberating

We went to eat lunch with Nana and Papa at Cracker Barrel today. They are on vacation this week. I was worried about The May because she wore only her panties. She tried to go before we left Cracker Barrel but, no dice. We had to make a quick trip by Wal-Mart so I began to worry even more since it had been a few hours since she had been. Of course I had to go once we got into the store. As I was washing my hands The May told me that I did a good job and declared that she had to go potty. So, on she went (her 1st public potty) and lo and behold she went pee pee within 5 seconds. I have to say it is very liberating to take 2 children in a store and not have to worry about changing a diaper or lugging around a diaper bag (although I did have it with me just in case of an accident). I am sure we will still have accidents but, after 1 week I think it is safe to say The May is potty trained. YEA!! Now, if I can just get her out of her crib.

1 comment:

Lamp Tramp said...

Woohoo, way to go, The May! Yes, your life will certainly be easier when your girls are no longer in diapers! Wishing you all my best!