Monday, February 18, 2008

Busy Bees

Last week was a hectic week but, fun. Our church had a marriage retreat this past weekend. I helped my friend Milissa organize and plan the event. I was mainly in charge of some decorating and games. We had so much FUN! All week was spent getting things together. By the time we got there I was exhausted but it was well worth it. It was so refreshing to spend time with Christian couples that want to deepen their relationship with Christ and each other. Husband and I received a huge blessing from it. The girls spent the night with Grandmama and Pappy and had a blast. We are just as busy this week with bible study, gym, church, cooking for some friends who just had a baby, husband has a night lab, I am working at church on Thursday and Friday, small group parenting class, and dinner with friends on Friday. Please don’t mistake me for complaining because I do enjoy being busy believe me I would rather be busy than bored.

1 comment:

The Mrs. said...

Sounds like your life is going amazingly well!!! That retreat sounds wonderful. Hubby and I woudl love it!!!