Monday, February 25, 2008

Working 9 to 5

For the past month or so I have been working at church on Thursday and Friday (the hours are actually 8:00-4:30). I have been filling in at the secretary position until someone is hired. I really enjoy it. I feel like I am actually contributing to society but, I miss my kids terribly. One of those catch 22's of motherhood. Anyways, I am working Monday thru Thursday this week. I must say I have an entire new appreciation of working Mother's. I only went back to teaching for 4 months after The Belle was born. So, I knew a little what it was like although, she was only 4 months old so it was much easier in the sense of packing and her not really knowing I was gone. But, now we have to pack every toy, blanket, book, and anything else she deems necessary. And not to mention packing for The May. Then they both cry when I drop them off which is not easy on the emotions. So, for all of you working Mom's: I have a completely new appreciation for all the work you do.

1 comment:

The Mrs. said...

I so hear you! Just went back to work a few weeks ago and at first I thought leaving Landon (19months) I would just die. Then I saw he was fine with it which made it so much easier. I do have such respect for working women now. I am only working two days which for now is the perfect balance for me!