Wednesday, February 13, 2008

What's For Dinner

So, I went grocery shopping with The Belle and The May yesterday (after our trip to the park). Stocked up on lots of good food but I was very indecisive about what I wanted for dinner. Husband was too tired to think so I asked the girls what they wanted for dinner?

The Belle: Um, I fink I want, um some puhpuh (purple) m&m's.
Me: No, we don't eat m&m's for dinner and plus I don't think they make purple m&m's. How about tacos or pizza (frozen of course).
The Belle: Um, I fink I want, um tacos.
Me: Are you going to eat tacos?
The Belle: No, I will eat puhpuh m&m's.
Me: Thinking to myself; why am I having this conversation with her? So, I asked The May what do you want to eat?
The May: WaWa (granola bar)
Me: Ok, time to be the parent! We are having tacos.

Once we sit down to eat The Belle says where are the puhpuh m&m's?
Note to self: no more dinner suggestions from the children.


The Mrs. said...

I know it's crazy but I can't wait to have these conversations with Landon!!!!

Heather said...

Ha! Such a cute little conversation. :)