Thursday, February 14, 2008

Dear Santa, Happy Valentines Day

Yesterday me and The Belle made these cute little foam heart necklaces and rings for Valentines. She was very excited about today although she isn't sure what it is all about. When she woke up this morning I told her "today is Valentines Day." Her eyes were squinty and in a very sleepy voice she said is Santa coming on Valentine's Day? I tried to explain that Santa has nothing to do with this holiday and that Valentines is to show someone how much you love them. I had to go to work at church so her and The May went to stay with Grandmama and her 2 cousins. On the way to Grandmama's she was telling The May today is Valentine's and John, Emily, and Reba are going to be at Grandmama's and their going to bring presents. Then again I TRIED to explain that no Uncle John, Aunt Emily and Reba (their dog) would not be there. Today is not Christmas! Poor girl was so confused. But, once we got there she was better. Her cousins bought her and The May matching flip- flops for Valentines Day so, she was very excited about that. Well, just a month away and we get to explain Easter.

1 comment:

Somewhere Between Pinot and Pacifiers said...

Cute-My DD gets so excited about every holiday and still wants to know when Santa is coming back! She is already asking when Easter is. I think the influx of holiday goodies that we see in stores so early must influence them too!