Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Birthday/Baby Shower/MLK/Valentine

We are trying to get back into our routine. Husband took Friday off and he was off yesterday for MLK's birthday. So, the girls had daddy home for 4 days. The May went to the window several times today and asked for Daddy (so sweet). We had a good weekend. Saturday we went to AA's birthday party. The girls had a great time. Of course, their favorite part was the cake. Once we got home The Belle and I went to a baby shower while The May took a nap with daddy. The Belle talked my ear off the entire way to the shower. She wanted to know if there would be baby toys to play with, if we would sing happy birthday, and if she could play with the baby. I tried to explain to her that the baby has not been born yet and we were taking presents for the baby's Mama. She had a wonderful time and was very good. She talked about the shower the whole way home. She has really become a talker here lately. Sunday was church and the normal rush to eat lunch, take a nap, get ready to go back to church. The Belle and The May love church on Sunday night thanks to Ms. Gail, Ms. Linda and Katelynn. Neither one of them enjoy Sunday am, but we are working on it. After church we took the girls to McDonalds (the place is actually growing on me) and they had a blast on the playground. Monday we went to Hobby Lobby. The Belle had a complete melt down because she wanted Mickey Mouse valentines ($7.99 for a pack of like 6; RIDICULOUS!). I told her we would try to find some Minnie Mouse valentines somewhere else and she did not understand that concept, so when we went to checkout she flipped out (she went boneless; all you parents know what I am talking about; completely limp). The May would not go to husband, so I was stuck dragging (while holding The May) The Belle to the car. It was a HUGE scene and everyone was staring. Oh the joys of parenthood. We had a playdate with AA and Lay Lay today at the house. The May is asleep in her crib and The Belle has just drifted off in the recliner with me while I am typing. Tomorrow is gymnastics so it will be another busy day.

1 comment:

Somewhere Between Pinot and Pacifiers said...

It is always nice to have Daddy home for an extra day! I know what you mean about the Valentines at Hobby Lobby-but I found some cute ones at Hallmark that are a little better than the cheap ones and still not expensive.