Saturday, January 19, 2008

Brown/Blue Eyed Girls

On our way home from AA's birthday party today, The Belle informs us that she wants The May's brown eyes. This is beginning way too early. I know all females at some point in their life want what they don't have. Example: straight hair wants curly hair, curly hair wants straight hair, tall girl wants to be short, short girl wants to be tall. But, honestly she is not even three yet! I tried to explain to her that God created her with blue eyes and she should be happy with his creation. She didn't seem to concerned about that so, I told her Pappy has blue eyes. That thrilled her to the bone. Then she wanted to know what color eyes Grandmama has. What is funny: The May was asleep during this entire conversation. We still are not sure where this idea came from. I will give a more detailed post of our weekend later. For now, I am going to bundle up. It's like 25 degrees outside (burrr).

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