Thursday, January 17, 2008

Don't Look at Me Like That Red Dinosaur

I had to make a trip to my favorite store today: Target (of course). So, I packed up the girls and off we went. Everyone had a nice car ride on the way there (thank you God). While standing at the registry computer (printing off 3 baby registry lists) The May decides she will stand in the front part of the buggy. As I am sitting her down the clerk at the counter is yelling Mam, Mam, your baby is standing up! Thinking to myself: “lady do you think this is my 1st trip to Target with two children I’m all over this situation, but thanks for making a scene”. I give her a smile and a big thank you and walk off. The Belle is looking at a Mickey Mouse book we found in the dollar spot and The May is happily riding along. Then things quickly spiral out of control. The Belle begins to yell “Look Mama it’s a red dinosaur”. Sure enough there in Target is what appears to be a red dinosaur. 2 feet in front of us is a Target associate wearing his red shirt and the biggest Mohawk dyed bright red! Now will someone please tell me why Target would allow their employees to do that? Anyways, Red Dinosaur walks by and I explain to The Belle that he works at Target and unfortunately has made a bad choice in hairstyles. So, then the cell phone rings which sends The May right out of this orbit. She is screaming uncontrollably because she too would like to talk on the phone. This sends The Belle into tears begging to be held. The screaming continues until the checkout aisle when guess who is checking us out: Red Dinosaur. The May is now happily playing with the cell phone and The Belle is back to admiring Red Dinosaur. The Belle asks “Mama what is Red Dinosaur doing, why is he messing with our stuff, do you see the Red Dinosaur?” So, I finally decide to make eye contact with Red Dinosaur and he is giving me this look like my three year old has offended him and I should provide some explanation. Thinking to myself: Red Dinosaur you have brought this upon yourself. I did not make that horrible hairstyle choice you did; so don’t look at me like that. I just gave him a smile and said have a nice day. As we are walking out the door The Belle asks “Mama where does the Red Dinosaur live.” I reply at Target, hopefully this won’t be detrimental to her development.


Emily said...

I Love You, You Love Me
Were a BIG RED Family
With the May on the phone
And the Belle embarrassing you
Won't you say "Belle SHHHH that's a DUDE"

By "That's sick" D. Zane

justme said...

that is hysterical !!!

mommyJLP said...

What an awesome story! I felt like I was reading a Lisa Whelchel book! Maybe the "Red Dinosaur" will make better choices with his hairstyes in the future or maybe you had a close up view of the next Dennis Rodman.