Thursday, January 10, 2008

It's a Sad Day

Today was a very sad day. Husband and I attended our friend Mrs. Mickey's funeral. Mrs. Mickey has been a long time friend to husband and his family. She passed away Sunday Jan. 6th after suffering a heart attack. Her daughter Carla and I have become good friends within the past year. Her son, Curtis and husband were childhood friends. The funeral was without a doubt the largest I have attended. It was such a beautiful ceremony. I left there longing to have a deeper walk with my Jesus. She was such a Godly woman and her words of wisdom will forever be with me. Her and Carla love the girls so much. The Belle and Mrs. Mickey had a very special bond. It could be that Mrs. Mickey owned every Mickey/Minnine mouse thing there ever was and The Belle adores each of them. But regardless, she was a very important person in her world. I explained to The Belle that Mrs. Mickey had to move to heaven to live with Jesus. She understood somewhat and then questioned if she could move there too. God has done so many things to prepare us for this time of grieving. Mrs. Mickey passed away on Sunday and on Monday I got a thank you card in the mail from her. Only My God could arrange something so amazing. From that moment on I have had such a peace. I have included a picture of The Belle and Mrs. Mickey from this past Trunk or Treat at church.


Somewhere Between Pinot and Pacifiers said...

I am so sorry for the loss of your special family friend. I will keep you and your family in my prayers!

MommyJenn said...

From Shelby,
How are you? How are the girls? How are feeling today?